Boss Hunt

A co-op game mode where 4 Hunters face increasingly difficult enemies to level up during the session, preparing for the final boss. The players are ranked depending on the damage they have dealt to the Boss. Depending on the rankings, players earn $BGEMs and equipment & artifacts during special events.

Each Hunter has a different daily cap on how many boss hunts it can participate in. Mode Features:

Prepare To Fight: Kill enemies to level up in preparation for the Boss fight.

Respawn: In this mode, you fight until the very end! If you die, you respawn and continue the battle!

Boss Fight: When you are ready, take on the Boss! Dodge its attacks and do as much damage as you can before the timer runs out. Base $BGEM Reward in Boss Mode is equal too: (% Damage dealt to boss x 100 $BGEM) (i.e, 10% damage to boss earns 1,000 $BGEM)

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