
$BGEM is the principal currency within Boomland, designed to reward players and drive the in-game economy. As players engage with the Boomland universe, they earn $BGEM through various activities, reinforcing its role as a versatile and valuable asset.

Scalability and Circulation

$BGEM is crafted to be scarce yet accessible, ensuring it remains a sought-after asset within Boomland. Its circulation is carefully managed through a combination of sources and sinks, providing a balanced flow that promotes economic stability and player engagement.

Sources of $BGEM:

  • Earnings from game modes

  • Hunt Boxes

  • Transactions in the in-game store

  • Profits shared via the rent system

  • Converting $BOOM to $BGEM

Sinks for $BGEM:

  • Expenditure on Hunt Boxes

  • Entry fees for PVP game modes

  • Tickets for live events and special operations

  • Monthly battle pass subscriptions

  • Involvement in dungeon game modes

  • Consumables for gameplay enhancement

  • Exchange for $BOOM

Economic Model and Exchange Rate

With the aim of maintaining a robust economy, the $BGEM supply is not capped but is regulated to preserve value.

The utility of $BGEM extends to various in-game functions, including purchasing limited quantities of $BOOM, thus facilitating a fluid economy between the two tokens.

Moving Forward

Now in Q1 2024, $BGEM has firmly established its role within Boomland. As the ecosystem continues to evolve, the utility of $BGEM will expand accordingly, introducing innovative ways to earn and spend within the game. Our commitment to a dynamic, player-focused economy ensures that $BGEM will continue to be an essential part of the gaming experience, driving both engagement and the economic prosperity of Boomland.

Last updated